Looiersgracht 60 and arts collective, Radical Reversibility, are pleased to invite you to Of Gaia and Ouranos, a new exhibition by Roger Cremers and Doina Kraal.
In the summer of 2022 Cremers and Kraal, were invited as the first participants of Looiersgracht 60’s Public Research Residency. Spiritus: Archiving the (Un)imaginable, was the title of Cremers and Kraal’s time in residence and the genesis for many of the installations that make up their new exhibition, Of Gaia and Ouranos. The exhibition works from a transhistorical approach to materiality, ideas, and media, questioning how the past, present, and future can illuminate each other. Of Gaia and Ouranos displays immersive installations and sculptures, in textile, wood, and glass, as well as a ‘living archive’ of inspirational imagery. Using approaches such as the rarekiek (or peepshow box), the diafanorama, and 17th-century tapestry weaving, the works consider the obsolescence of media and its effect on knowledge and storytelling.
The expansive and large scale installation work of Kraal and Cremers reanimates these lost objects and their ability to communicate the questions of material, imaginative, and cosmic knowledge.
Join us for the opening on November 25th where there will be a special performance of Of Rheia and Kronos in collaboration with musicians Boele Weemhoff and Sylvian Kloens at 20:00.
Accompanying the exhibition, will be a public programme on December 16 with a conversation between the artists and Wouter Hanegraaff, more details are forthcoming.
The exhibition ‘Of Gaia and Ouranos’ is supported by the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten (AFK), Mondriaan Fund and Looiersgracht 60. The installation ‘Perpetual Light’ is co-sponsored by TextielLab, Tilburg.
Public Research Residency – Summer 2022 Spiritus – Archiving the (un)Imaginable 8 August – 10 September 2022: Residency period Doina Kraal and Roger Cremers at Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam
Public Events:
Saturday 20 August (8—10 pm): Film screening on UFOs Saturday 27 August (4—6 pm): Collaborative time travel (objects and storytelling) Saturday 3 September (4—6 pm): Conversation on speculation with special guests Saturday 10 September (8—10 pm): Archive Event V: Performance and music
Looiersgracht 60 (LG60), in collaboration with Radical Reversibility (RR), is pleased to announce the first iteration of the new Public Research Residency, to be held twice a year in a summer and winter edition. LG60 and RR are welcoming Amsterdam-based artists DOINA KRAAL (1980) and ROGER CREMERS (1972) as the first participants of the Public Research Residency.
Over the course of 4 weeks between August and September 2022, LG60 will open up their gallery to house the production of a collaborative installation between Kraal and Cremers. Their project, titled Spiritus – Archiving the (un)Imaginable, will take form during their time in residence and will continue to travel after this initial presentation.
The first edition of the residency, brings together Doina Kraal and Roger Cremers as the first residents. Spiritus – Archiving the (un)Imaginable, is a continuation of an existing conversation and body of research in which they share a fascination for time travel, the universe, archives, music, sound and storytelling. The focus of their residency will be the (re)creation of a life-size diorama-inspired peepbox. Constantly looking for ways to keep the narrative of an object alive, both artists work with compilation as a methodology of reviving and engaging with historical context. The overarching theme of Spiritus is the representation and visualization of the universe and the stories that are told to describe different (speculative) phenomena, histories and future scenarios.
For the past 10 years, LG60 has developed artist-centric programming and exhibitions; the space draws upon this history in order to offer deeper community connection and facilitate the sharing of resources between emergent and established artists, designers, researchers and thinkers. Having always prioritized the process behind each finished artwork, LG60’s programme has a strong commitment to research-based practice and in-studio conversations.
RR is a practice and research-based arts platform interested in the interplay between image, viewer and perception. RR functions as a network and a laboratory for practice and theory where artists, writers, curators and academics seek to contextualize their own work within new practices and engage in discourses in and beyond the arts.
LG60’s Public Research Residency has been created to further develop these conversations by focusing on the accessibility of process-based practices to the public and is scheduled to be held twice a year. While institutions tend to focus on exhibiting finished work, the Public Research Residency would like to propose a higher level of public engagement within multiple stages of the artistic process. The residency aims to highlight research practice as a matter of public interest by increasing community engagement and acknowledgement of the processes behind an autonomous work.
Apart from time spent in production, Kraal and Cremers will collaborate with RR and LG60 to present a varied public programme to complement and expand on their research and artistic production. Each Saturday from 20 August to 10 September the public is invited to attend events with the artists and invited guests.
Public Events (Free admission)
Saturday 20 Aug. (8—10 pm): Film screening related to UFOs and the (un)imaginable in space, with Bram Roza (artist, poet and founder of ufomeldpunt.nl).
Saturday 27 Aug (4—6 pm): For this event Kraal and Cremers invite several people who have a special (hi)story to share. They’ll bring an object with a story that has specific significance or value and functions as a personal relic. Through these stories the artists evoke miniature time journeys.
Saturday 3 Sept (4—6 pm): Speculations on Cosmic Modesty: A public discussion about the imagination of the (un)imaginable, other worlds, unidentified flying objects, and artistic and scientific representations of the universe. Guest speakers (among others, to be announced later): PHILIPPE AILLERIS (works at Estec and is ‘the face’ behind the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Reporting Scheme) and TAEDE SMEDES (philosopher of religion, theologian, journalist and writer – specialized in the relation between science and religion). Subsequently there will be a public conversation with the speakers and the artists.
Saturday 10 Sep (8—10 pm): Archive Event V: A conclusive, site-specific presentation and (musical) performance in collaboration with composer/musician Boele Weemhoff (and other musicians).
At the exhibition Departures at MAMA in Rotterdam, Doina Kraal will present her installation Touche-à-Tout. During the opening Kraal will look back on the journey she made with Touche-à-Tout and peer into the future, in a musical performance.
Departures investigates whether it is possible to bid farewell to the current tourism industry and the relationship between tourism and present-day (neo-)colonial power relations. The works in this exhibition have their individual geographies. The artist has already made a journey and takes the visitor with them. Through their approach and creative process, we discover what their respective starting points have been. Some works speak of tourism’s visual culture; others reflect on the tourism industry from a decolonial perspective or offer a ‘tool’ to broaden your view. This travel agency operates along these different departure points. The works activate sensory and contemplative forms of travel that initiate a different experience of place, context and navigation.
Artists: Alexandra Martens Serrano, De Ansichten Club, Doina Kraal, Irene de Andrés, Marina Planas, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Waèl el Allouche
Witte de Withstraat 29 – 31, 3012 BL Rotterdam
16 oktober 2020 – 28 februari 2021
In tijden van social distancing en de gelimiteerde ruimte voor ontmoetingen zoekt Bradwolff Projects naar nieuwe manieren van verbinding. In het kader van het drieweekse festival ‘This storm will pass’, september 2020, startten wij het brievenproject ‘To whom it may concern’.
‘To whom it may concern’ is een estafette van schrijvers die omstebeurt het stokje, of de pen, opnemen en een brief schrijven aan een voor hun onbekende vreemde. De brieven haken in op de constant veranderende werkelijkheid in tijden van crisis. Allen maakten zij unieke werken die het mooiste tot hun recht komen op de deurmat.
En die onbekende vreemde, die kun jij zijn. E-mail je adres naar info@burobradwolff.nl en ontvang voor een kleine vergoeding van 5 euro een mooie brief van een van onze schrijvers o.a. Jorik Amit Galama, Emilija Angelovska, Sanne van Balen, Maria Barnas, Marijn Bax i.s.m. Richtje Reinsma, Christine van den Bergh, Fiep van Bodegom, Sofie Crabbé, Bert Jansen, Doina Kraal, Emily Kocken, Puck Kroon, Vivian Mac Gillavry, Catharina Vergeer en Robin Waart.
In het teken van de jaarlijkse uitverkiezing van de Nederlandse De Best Verzorgde Boeken interviewt De Monsterkamer enkele makers van de bekroonde boeken uit 2018. Deze makers (drukkers, lithografen, binders of producenten) zijn partner van De Monsterkamer. De selectie van 2018 is t/m 30 oktober 2019 in het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam te zien.
The artists’ book Touche-à-Tout, some frames to the wonder of the world featuring some of the wonders of the world, Doina Kraal – published by Onomatopee and designed by Merel van den Berg will be exhibited at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Until the Wolf is There – PARCE ART PROJECTS
Group exhibition at Landgoed De Campagne in Gent, Belgium, 5 – 21 July 2019, with Peter Land (DK), Marina Lauwers (BE), Maite Ibarreche (COL), Luis Hernández (COL), Barbara Rink (NL), Doina Kraal (NL), Nathalia Azuero (COL), Marcela Varela (COL), Laura Vargas (COL), Laura Peña (COL)
The artists’ book Touche-à-Tout – published by Onomatopee and designed by Merel van den Berg has been selected for THE BEST DUTCH BOOK DESIGN 2018!